

February 2015

Vmware product build nubers

By |February 13th, 2015|Categories: Vmware|Tags: |

Ever wonder what version of vmware vsphere you running or what verion your ESXi host is? here a short overview of 5.5 products Version Release Date Build Number Installer Build Number ESXi 5.5 Patch 4 2015-01-27 2403361 N/A ESXi 5.5 Express Patch 5 2014-12-02 2302651 N/A ESXi 5.5 Patch 3 2014-10-15 2143827 N/A ESXi 5.5 Update 2 2014-09-09 2068190 N/A ESXi 5.5 Patch 2 2014-07-01 1892794 N/A ESXi 5.5 Express Patch 4 2014-06-11 1881737 N/A ESXi 5.5 Update 1a 2014-04-19 [...]

None of the cells have a vCenter proxy service running

By |February 2nd, 2015|Categories: vcloud director, Vmware|Tags: , , |

Today i wanted to create a new tenant and its vApps but i ran into "failed to deploy vApp...". after searching the internet i came across similar problems but they all involved cleaning up QRTZ table, and "none of the cells have vCenter proxy running." error. So I checked my vcell and yes I had the same error. I'm pretty sure I know why, I had this error. 2 weeks ago I updated the windows OS on my vcenter and rebooted it without [...]

January 2015

create mailboxes from csv file. variable first name, sure name, password and Origanizational unit

By |January 18th, 2015|Categories: Exchange, Microsoft|Tags: , , , , |

i had to create bulk mailboxes on exchange 2010 in my hosted environment, so i search on the internet for scripts and put them together to fit my environment. so i wanted to use, first name, surename, Display name, username, variable password and put the users in certain OU map in AD so my CSV file will look somehing like this fname,lname,username,password,OUPath els,konnick,els.konnick,Test123!,domain.local/customer/cust01 here is the script you can copy paste in a notepad and save it as .ps1 #csv [...]

December 2014

How to get VM creation date PowerCLI script

By |December 23rd, 2014|Categories: Vmware|Tags: , |

I had a customer who wanted to know who created the vm and when so i started to look on the internet to see if anyone wrote a script already and some one did. so thank you Matt Bradford here is his script and i tested on my vmware vsphere 5.5 U1 home lab and worked without erros #Enter your vCenter Host below $vcenter = "your_vcenter_server" #Enter the CSV file to be created $csvfile = "VM_Birthdays.CSV" ################################ #Load the VMware [...]

November 2014

The Vmware VirtualCenter Service terminated unexpectedly – event 7031

By |November 17th, 2014|Categories: Vmware|Tags: , , , |

After a week of installing vcenter 5.5, I noticed the event 7031 in the system logs and the vi client keeps disconnecting every few seconds. the install was basic. only 2 esx host, vcenters server simple install on VM machine and arround 10 vm's. only thing I did in advance is installing sql 2012  express because the database limit is 10GB instead of 4 GB on sql 2005. So i started to investigate. First i though it was the update [...]

Exchange 2003 to exchange 2013 migration

By |November 9th, 2014|Categories: Microsoft|Tags: , , , |

i'm not going to write the entire procedure here since there are a lot of good articles out there. here are some I always use when im migrating exchange servers from 2003 or 2007 to 2010 or 2013 so thank you Pete Long For migrating exchange 2003 to 2013 you will need an additional step and migrate to exchange 2010 first. The following links are very good to follow all migrations Exchange 2003 to 2010 Exchange 2010 to 2013 enjoy and [...]

September 2014

cisco catalyst 2960 limit inboud rate – limit bandwith

By |September 26th, 2014|Categories: cisco|Tags: , , |

hello all i'm gonna put a short post here what i did for limiting bandwith on a cisco catalyst 2960-x inbound and outbound rate. why you ask? because maybe your a provider and sold a customer a shared internet line for  3Mbit/s the post is a collection from bits and pieces from different websites Since you need Layer 3 switch for limiting the bandwith on an interface, you still can work arround it if you have QOS and Layer 2 switch outbound: this [...]

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