

May 2016

April 2016

Upgrade McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO) 5.x, 4.x

By |April 20th, 2016|Categories: McAfee|Tags: |

If you run into upgrading your McAfee EPO server then here is a cool upgrade table. Make note that some versions are EOL (end of life) ePO 5.0 reached end of life (EOL) on December 31, 2014, and is no longer supported. ePO 4.6 reached end of life (EOL) on December 31, 2015, and is no longer supported Also make sure your OS is upported. here a overview table from McAfee website Server operating systems Microsoft operating system ePO 4.6 (EOL) [...]

Q’center Virtual Appliance

By |April 9th, 2016|Categories: QNAP|

Q’center Virtual Appliance Qnap has released a tool to monitor all your qnap san/servers in your environemt. It come in very handy if you have lots of Qnap device to manage in your setup. I recommend that you look at this vApp if you have 3 or more qnap devices. and its free! Check on for the Q'Center Virtual appliance Q’center is a powerful QNAP NAS management system. The Q’center Virtual Appliance can be easily deployed in Microsoft® Hyper-V™ [...]

vCenter Server Appliance 6 Hardware Requirements

By |April 9th, 2016|Categories: VMware|

When you deploy the vCenter Server Appliance, you can select to deploy an appliance that is suitable for the size of your vSphere environment. The option that you select determine the number of CPUs and the amount of memory that the appliance will have. The hardware requirements such as number of CPUs and memory depend on the size of your vSphere inventory. Hardware Requirements for VMware vCenter Server Appliance !!! remark. the setup of the appliance looks at the number [...]

Upgrade vShield Manager 5.5 to NSX 6.1.4

By |April 4th, 2016|Categories: VMware|Tags: , |

Login to your vshield manager site and navigate to Settings & Reports. Click on Updates tab. here you can select "Upload Upgrade Bundle". Click it and select the upgrade bundle file. Now you can upload the bundle file. you get a warning that vShield manager will be updated. Click OK Click "install" to start the installation. Only thing to do is to confirm installation. Wait a few minutes. you see a yellow bar wich will display the different component being [...]

March 2016

How to upgrade vCenter Operations Manager 5.8 to vRealize operations manager 6.2 part 4

By |March 31st, 2016|Categories: VMware, vRealize|Tags: |

Read the previous other post  if needed How to upgrade vCenter Operations Manager 5.8 to vRealize operations manager 6.2 part 1 How to upgrade vCenter Operations Manager 5.8 to vRealize operations manager 6.2 part 2 How to upgrade vCenter Operations Manager 5.8 to vRealize operations manager 6.2 part 3 Make sure you downloaded the PAK files from VMware site first to proceed. vApp clusters The vApp cluster requires the deployment of the OS upgrade and the product upgrade .pak files. For an [...]

How to upgrade vCenter Operations Manager 5.8 to vRealize operations manager 6.2 part 3

By |March 30th, 2016|Categories: VMware, vRealize|Tags: |

Read my other 2 post how to deploy and setup vROM How to upgrade vCenter Operations Manager 5.8 to vRealize operations manager 6.2 part 1 How to upgrade vCenter Operations Manager 5.8 to vRealize operations manager 6.2 part 2 Now we can start the migration. On the First Page you can now select if it’s a new environment or a migration. The migration will be next to each other so the old and the new appliance will keep collecting data [...]

How to upgrade vCenter Operations Manager 5.8 to vRealize operations manager 6.2 part 2

By |March 29th, 2016|Categories: VMware, vRealize|Tags: |

Make sure you follow my previous post of how to deploy the vRealize Operations Manager Appliance 6.x So once you deployed the appliance and powered it on(wait enough time to let it start), you can now navigate to the appliance using your favorite browser. I used google chrome. Open your browser windows and type in the URL/ip of the appliance https://<> If this is your first appliance you can choose either Express installation or new Installation. For the migration you [...]

vSphere HTML5 Web Client

By |March 28th, 2016|Categories: VMware, Vmware|Tags: , |

VMware is working on replacing the VMware webclient on flash. Here is the Fling "vSphere HTML5 Web Client"  As of writing, 29-03-2016, it is still in development, so help us test. Summary The vSphere HTML5 Web Client is here! It is written using HTML5 and Javascript, and we are looking forward to you trying it in your environment and hearing your feedback! System Requirements 2 vCPU, 4 GB RAM, 14 GB An existing VC6.0 installation (VCSA or Windows). The [...]

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